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Hello there, Welcome to my Blog!

Salutations Intrepid Explorer

I see you have found your way to my dusty corner of the Internet and I humbly welcome you into my modest abode. Here is where I compile my longer term personal projects with my shorter term chronocides together with blog posts about anything interesting that I have come across and notes I have taken thoughout my college career (and likely long afterward). This website is moreso to organize my thoughts, but feel free to come along for the ride.

In Regards to this Website

By no means is this website completed in terms of design. This is the fifth or sixth incarnation at this point and it suffers constant updates with my changing tastes. I've switched over to static website generation for simplicity and removed almost all of the JavaScript to minimize bloat (other than KaTeX for math rendering until I figure out how to statically generate figures).

Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoy your stay and wish you the best during these trying quarantine-ridden times.